"An easy-to-understand, more private method of testing. Many of my patients' husbands were more interested and willing to undergo testing with this method. I am comforted by the fact that it is backed up by the FDA and the ASRM, with an article in Fertility and Sterility."

Yo Male Fertility Sperm Test
Male infertility contributes to 50% of infertility. Take actionable steps to track your sperm health with the Yo Male Fertility Sperm test and assess your sperm health over time with two included tests.
The Yo Score, or the ranking of your motile sperm concentration (MSC) and sperm quality compared to other men who have fathered children, coupled with your sperm motility and total sperm concentration will inform you about your male fertility status. Partner together with your counterpart on this journey to maximize your chances of pregnancy with Yo Sperm and kegg together.
This home male fertility testing kit test provides you with direct results and was developed by Medical Electronic Systems™ (the world-leaders in clinical grade automated semen analysis).Test motile sperm concentration, yo score sperm quality ranking, and record a live video of your semen sample. This test is FDA cleared and approved by regulatory bodies around the world.
With 97%+ accuracy compared to a laboratory semen analysis, share your results with an expert or store them privately on your device - the yo home sperm test is 100% secure and private.
True at-home testing. No “mailing-in” your sample or embarrassing and difficult collection at a lab. This kit offers fast, reliable, and accurate male fertility testing at a fraction of the cost and from the privacy of your home.Compatible with iPhone, Android, PC and MAC Devices.

In The Box
Product Instructions Booklet & "Helpful tips" Guide
1 YO WiFi Device (for up to 50 tests)
2 Collection Cups
2 YO Slides
2 Pipettes
2 Liquefaction Vials
Charging Cable
How it Works
How the YoSperm App Gives You Powerful At-Home Insight

What does YoSperm test?
A semen analysis is conducted to test a man's sperm count (concentration), moving sperm (motility), normally shaped sperm (morphology), and other parameters. One of the most important factors in achieving a pregnancy is the number of motile sperm in the sample. If the sperm cannot swim to the egg, natural pregnancy is not possible. The YoSperm Test analyzes your motile sperm concentration (how many are moving) and sperm quality (YO Score) and compares your results to laboratory standards and to other men who have fathered children. You will also receive a video recording of your sample as part of the YO Test. Here is some more detail on each result and the reference ranges for normal vs.
Sperm cells need to move forward to reach the egg during natural conception. YO first reports whether your motile sperm concentration (MSC) is above or below a "normal range" of six million motile sperm per milliliter. The "normal range" of six million motile sperm is calculated by multiplying the World Health Organization (WHO) reference value for sperm concentration (15 million) times the normal reference range for sperm motility (40%). 15 million x 40% = 6 million. Although only one sperm cell is needed to fertilize an egg, six million motile sperm per milliliter is the cut-off
or "threshold," which determines the diagnosis of Low vs. Moderate/Normal MSC.
YO Score is a ranking of your motile sperm concentration (MSC) compared to other men who have fathered children. The result is 10 to 90 in intervals of 10. If your score is 20, you rank above 20% of fathers. If your score is 90, you rank above 90% of fathers. The higher your YO Score, the more likely you are to achieve a pregnancy in a shorter amount of time. YO Score is a reliable tool for monitoring MSC changes over time and the cornerstone of the fertility
improvement tools contained in the YO Application.
As part of the YO Home Sperm Test, you will receive a recorded video of your sample. The video offers a clear visual reference to complement your MSC and YO Score results. Videos are available for sharing with an expert, family, or friends if desired or kept 100% private inside the App for personal viewing.
Why should a man test his sperm?
When starting on your fertility journey, a simple at-home YoSperm Analysis test can clarify and educate both partners on the first steps towards pregnancy. The male side of the equation is a contributing factor in 50% of fertility challenges.
Additionally, most doctors will define infertility as "no pregnancy after one year of trying." If there is a specific issue with sperm quality, why wait?
What is included in the box?
- YO Wifi device
- 2 collection cups
- 2 YO slides, pipets, and liquefaction vials
- Instructions for use
What devices are compatable?
YO 2.0 (WiFi) is Compatible With:
iPhone - IOS 11 and above
Android - Android 6 and above
PC - Windows 7 or above
MAC - OS version 10.14 (Mojave) and above
When should I use this test?
He can test whenever he’s ready! However, it’s best not to have intercourse or ejaculate 2-5 days before testing so we recommend targeting testing accordingly.