Since kegg launched, more than 80 women have recorded positive pregnancy tests on the kegg app. We are grateful to our many users who have shared their experiences. Sadly many pregnancies end in loss. Did you know a low estimate of 1 in 4 pregnancies ends in miscarriage? Many users have shared of their rainbow babies who will be arriving later this year! At kegg, our hearts are with you on this journey.
Earlier this Spring we heard from one of our anonymous keggsters who delivered her beautiful baby boy.. We are overjoyed! This July, “A.” gave birth to a sweet baby girl and they are both doing well! Congratulations, mamas! We are eagerly awaiting news from J. who is due to give birth any day!
Real Talk: When I was trying to conceive, I would spend hours perusing both kegg and basal body temperature charts. I would also read about the symptoms that I could potentially experience during the dreaded “two week wait.” There is something comforting about reading about other women’s successful journeys. I recall feeling excited for them, and hoping I would soon experience that joy myself.
Let’s dive into our latest stories. We are so grateful for our kegg mamas who have volunteered to anonymously share their charts. We hope these stories instill hope and also help pass those trying weeks. We are in this together!
kegg mama #1
Mama # 1 reports that she began trying to conceive in December. After 3 months of trying, though, she felt frustrated and anxious. In March, she decided to order kegg. She began using kegg in April, and conceived that month! She reports that she also tracks her Basal Body Temperature (BBT). She shared “I am so grateful that I have purchased kegg which helped me track my ovulation!”.
Anonymous mama #1, we are thrilled for you, and wishing you a healthy journey to your kegglet! Let’s take a look at her full kegg charts. As you can see, she had a nice dip, identified in green, which is her fertile window. Her temperatures (not shown) reveal a temperature shift beginning on cycle day 16. The hearts indicate she timed intercourse on cycle day 13 and 14 which resulted in her pregnancy.

kegg mama #2
We heard from our second mama just this month and her story is so heartfelt. Between stress, changes in her cycle, and learning that her LH tests did not align with her fertile window, this mama was able to rely on kegg to spot her fertile window to time intercourse. “During COVID, my already fussy and stress-sensitive period became even longer and unpredictable. Around Thanksgiving, I topped out at a very concerning 40-day cycle, with only a tiny bit of brown spotting. I of course hoped for the best, but without a positive test, I instead began to spiral over whether or not I should just give up until after COVID, or that I wasn’t ovulating (prompting my other smart purchase – Proov strips! A winning combo).
Proov told me I was ovulating, but I had no clue when and had the journals to prove it. Was it halfway through what averages out to be a 34-day period (but could be 32, or 40)? Fourteen days before the end of a 34-day cycle? Or Day 14? All manically scribbled in the margins of a hand drawn calendar. Worse yet, I later learned from my kegg readings that the LH strips I’d been using showed positives during and after my “valley” in the first month, and two days after the valley in the second month. Meaning that if this had been going on all along, I’d been timing sex all wrong, doing it just after the end of my predicted fertile window for the better part of a year.
Happily, just as I was starting my kegg journey, my cycle also righted itself after I got vaccinated. So it was on, baby. By Cycle 2, I knew we had to start earlier, and we followed through. I still had a healthy bit of skepticism in me about how well this would go, already researching fertility specialists, but bing bang boom – one day it felt like my stomach was picking a fight with everything I ate, and that very weekend produced two positive home pregnancy tests.
At six weeks, I’m being as level-headed as possible about the fate of this pregnancy and have been nearly mum about the whole thing, except with my partner. I appreciate the opportunity to share my story – I’ve been dying to! – and to pay forward some of the hope and motivation that other moms-to-be provided me, indirectly, every time a failure to conceive crushed me.
One of the worst parts of the struggle was being so irrationally frustrated with myself for not knowing my own body well enough to make a baby happen. I found trackers and, generally, all articles on the internet (even the ones written by doctors) useless without also having the luxury of a strict, regular cycle. Your product completely empowers women by allowing us to know our special, one-of-a-kind bodies better and to trust that science and tech does have our backs in this one powerful way. I feel so lucky this product started existing in time for me to benefit so immensely from it.”
In this mama’s chart below, you can see how kegg identified her fertile from cycle day 12 to cycle day 16. As evidenced by the hearts, she timed intercourse during this window. We are rooting you on anonymous mama 2 and can’t wait to hear more about your kegglet!

kegg mama #3
Our third mama who was working through secondary infertility shared her joy with us recently. She stated “I bought the kegg after doing BBT and OPKs and no success. The doctors were just about to put me on Clomid (even had it filled) when I decided to take a pregnancy test. A plus sign! WHAT?! I owe it all to kegg, I’m convinced. After seeing the dips in my cycle the first two months I saw a late dip in the third cycle and told [my] partner we needed to get busy (“one more night then I’ll leave you alone for a bit!”). I truly think that did it. My OPKs never picked up anything that late. I’m extremely grateful for kegg!!”

In this chart, note that the fertile window does not depict a deep valley. Kegg detects even the subtle changes in readings to provide accurate predictions.
What Does kegg Data Reveal About Early Pregnancy?
We often get asked if there is a typical trend that is observed in very early pregnancy on kegg charts. The answer is no! These charts capture just how unique each cycle is. As you can see, after the fertile window, each of these women had different patterns but all conceived during their fertile windows. *Of note, we recommend discontinuing kegg use once you achieve a positive pregnancy test as kegg is not intended for use during pregnancy.
What Should I Do With My kegg Once I Conceive?
Hold onto your kegg to resume kegg use after your baby is born! kegg is designed to last. We recommend waiting to use kegg until at least 2 full cycles have passed and at least 6 weeks postpartum, if not breastfeeding, and until at least 2 full cycles have passed after you are no longer lactating.
Thank you to our gracious mamas who shared their stories with us. Do you have a story to share? Join our kegg mamas program by emailing at As always, we are here to help. If you have any questions or would like help understanding your kegg data, please contact us at