Pregnancy Stories

First pregnancy stories from our kegg users

First pregnancy stories from our kegg users

H.K., a customer with irregular cycles, got pregnant at cycle 1 with kegg

I’m so happy to be sharing my story with you in order to help others achieve their dream of being a mom! My story starts fifteen years ago when I first started my menstrual cycle. From the beginning, my cycles were always irregular. I would only get my period every 3-6 months. Frustrated with this I turned to my doctor and was put on birth control pills for seven years. That whole time having no idea that when I stopped the pill my cycles would still be as irregular as they were before. After stopping the pill, I went eleven months without a period. I went to several different doctors and got no answers which was confusing and frustrating. I knew that I wanted to start trying to conceive within the next few years and in order to do that I needed to get to know my cycles better. Many Google searches later and I finally found kegg. I went back and forth on whether or not to buy Kegg but I’m so happy I did. When I received kegg my cycles were still irregular, about every two to five months. I started tracking my cycle with kegg on July 22nd and was able to conceive mid-August. I’m currently 11 weeks pregnant and our sweet baby is due in May 2021. We owe so much to kegg, there is no way to thank you enough.

S.W., a user with endometriosis, pregnant after 3 cycles with kegg and BBT

My husband and I got married in September of 2019. Having a big family has always been both of our dreams and because of his training schedule with the Army, we wanted to be able to time my pregnancies with his deployments. I’d been temping with Tempdrop for a couple of years but charting my cervical mucus was always a confusing mess. I was diagnosed with endometriosis about 10 years ago and we were concerned that it may make my fertile window harder to find. We decided to back kegg right away when we saw it.

Somehow, we managed to luck out and get pregnant even before the kegg first shipped out! We were so excited. Unfortunately our joy was short lived and I miscarried in April at 9 weeks. It was terrifying to not know what was happening and be rushed to the emergency room in the middle of the coronavirus pandemic. We were heartbroken. 

When I first got my kegg, I was uncertain I was ready to try again. Initially we decided that we should use it for a few cycles so the algorithm would be set for when we were truly ready. My husband’s schedule was changed time and time again until finally we started to see that if we could conceive before the winter holidays, he would be home for the whole pregnancy! This was a huge deal for us, but because my cervical mucus was so unreliable, it was extremely hard to pinpoint ovulation. Enter kegg: after three months of using it, we were able to easily learn the days it was most likely for me to get pregnant! It was so exciting to be able to see the drop and rise in my chart and then how perfectly it lined up with my basal temperatures! It’s still early, but we’re confident that this pregnancy will be different from the last and we are so excited to welcome our rainbow kegglet June 2021.

A.G., the woman with low progesterone, correctly tested with proov and conceived at first cycles with kegg

AG, used Proov with her very first kegg cycle. With kegg, she was able to pinpoint her fertile window. She was confident that she had ovulated based on her kegg data and her positive test. She had an ultrasound 1 day post ovulation which indeed confirmed that she had ovulated. She tested with Proov 3 days post ovulation, which also confirmed ovulation. While her test was not positive, it was significantly lighter than her baseline test from cycle day 5.  Next, she used Proov on days 7-10 post ovulation to determine if her progesterone levels were high enough for conception. Her only positive test result was on cycle day 8. Sadly, she did conceive this cycle, but did not start supplemental progesterone until 10 days post ovulation. She suffered an early miscarriage. She shared “While I was devastated, I also felt like I was empowered to talk to my doctor. I strongly feel my low progesterone caused my miscarriage and I was determined to not attempt to conceive until I knew I could supplement with progesterone early on, even before a positive pregnancy test. Thankfully my OB was very receptive to starting progesterone and very curious to learn about Proov. The very next cycle, I started progesterone suppositories 3 days post ovulation. We were over the moon to learn we were pregnant this very next cycle. We are expecting a little boy in March, 2021!”

L.Z., a customer with irregular cycles, pregnant at the second cycle with kegg

I have PCOS with irregular cycles ranging from 40-125 days as well as hypothyroidism and conceived on my second month of using kegg. It was also my first round of Letrozole for ovulation induction. 

I was also using cheapie OPKs, Mira, Pearl, Clearblue Advanced, temping with wearables Tempdrop and Ovusense, tracking with the Read Your Body app, and confirming ovulation with Proov PDG strips. I was also getting weekly acupuncture sessions and took Ovasitol, CoQ10, Magnesium and Vitamin D supplements. I had been seeing a fertility clinic for three months and overall TTC for 12 months, with only three confirmed ovulations in that time and no positive pregnancy tests.

My first cycle with kegg was anovulatory, despite showing fertile signs and positive OPKs, I never had a temperature rise or positive Proov test. I took Prometrium for 10 days to induce a period. 

For the next cycle (which I conceived in), I took Letrozole 5mg on cycle days 3-7. I did not receive any fertile window predictions from kegg at the time, but you can see from the pattern when I ovulated (CD15-16), which matches up to my positive OPKs, temperature rise, and dating ultrasound. 

I had a positive Proov test at 3 DPO and serum progesterone test at 89.2 nmol/L on CD22 confirming ovulation. I got a positive pregnancy test at 8 DPO.

I found out from the ultrasound at 7 weeks 1 day that I am expecting twins! It wasn’t a complete surprise as I had felt ovulation twinges from both ovaries, and can see two possible implantation dips in my temperature chart. My beta HCG serum levels were also very high (5,474 mIU/mL at 20 DPO and 86,762 mIU/mL at 30 DPO).

I’m glad I had kegg as another piece of valuable data to correlate with all the other methods of fertility tracking and hope that predictions for individuals with irregular cycles can be given in future based on impedance values rather than based on average cycle lengths which are not helpful at all for irregular cycles, or none at all.

We do hope to hear and share more stories from kegg mamas in the next following months!

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Reading next

The Thyroid-Fertility Connection
Solving the ovulation puzzle with kegg & Proov: a dynamic combination


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